


Globoosft is a top-rated Ionic application development company in Kochi, Kerala, powering some of the fast-growing start-ups to realize their dreams.
Ionic is a very popular open-source cross-platform mobile development technology stack used for highly interactive hybrid mobile apps using Web technologies like CSS, HTML5, and Sass. The initial version was built on top of AngularJS and Apache Cordova but the more recent releases, known as Ionic 3 or simply ‘Ionic’ is built on Angular. Ionic provides tools and services for developing hybrid mobile apps, which are then distributed through native app stores to be installed on devices.
The software uses Cordova plugins to gain access to host operating system’s features such as Camera, GPS, Flashlight, etc. enabling developers in Ionic application development companies to build apps that can then be customized for Android, iOS, Windows, or modern browsers. Ionic’s main focus is on the look and feel, and UI interaction of mobile apps built using the software.
Being the best Ionic application development company in the Kochi, the tech-savvy experts at Access build hybrid applications including native functionalities, exhaustive gestures, and customizable tools to enhance user-friendliness. The main advantage of Ionic is the simplicity that comes with developing an app once, rather than multiple times for separate devices. The functionalities of its framework also enable the development to be fast and cost-efficient while reducing the need for maintenance.

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Swift advancements in technology have ushered in an era that is rapidly changing, adopting and inventing newer and better ways to do things. As more and more people are now using mobile for everything from their daily calendars to making online purchases, Access, as an Ionic application development company, realizes the need for quick and efficient ways to develop mobile apps which provides a consistent look and feel across different mobile platforms.

Key Features of IONIC

  • Rapid App Development As there’s no need to writes codes from the scratch on Ionic; developers can build apps at a much faster pace.
  • Hybrid App Development With Ionic, developers can build apps that have the native feel and can then be customized for Android, iOS, Windows, or modern browsers.
  • Default UI Besides regular elements like buttons and navigation, it also includes form inputs, lists, cards, sliding boxes and many more.
  • Cost Effective Since Ionic eliminates the need to build apps separately for the different native app stores, customers can cut down on development costs.
  • Community Support Ionic framework is well documented and has a huge and active community online who can help you work around any issues you face while using the software.
  • Easy Testing Testing is crucial for app development and with Ionic, developers can test in apps easily on a desktop or mobile browser or a simulator.
  • Feature-rich Features of Ionic include typography, mobile components, an extensible base theme, and interactive paradigms.
  • ES6 Supported Browser support is an important aspect in the case of hybrid mobile apps and ES6 allows developers to run an application on any browser regardless of compatibility.


1) How does Ionic Application perform on Older Android Devices?

Ionic Applications provide amazing stability to iOS and Android devices. It provides high performance, low maintenance, less storage space to run new Ionic Apps, etc. But it’s noticed Ionic Application doesn’t perform smoothly on older Android devices. Any application created through the Ionic framework has been reported as non-working in status in older Android devices. Any Ionic applications running below Android devices v5 has multiple issues like low performance/non-performance, high maintenance, affecting other applications, etc. To run applications on older android devices a crosswalk plugin needs to be created externally which will help Ionic application to perform better on older android devices.

2) What’s the difference between “ionic build” and “ionic prepare”?

ionic prepare copies all files from the www folder into the target platform’s www folder. ionic build also does this, but also builds the app’s source code so that it can be run on a simulator/emulator or a device.

3) Performance of Ionic application is bad on older Android devices. Why is this, and what can be done to improve it?

Ionic framework uses the default web browser available for the device to run its hybrid application. Older versions of Android devices (4.0-4.3) use Android’s default browser, which has significantly less performance and standards compliance than the modern Chrome browser.
One way to resolve this issue is to use crosswalk along with Ionic framework. Crosswalk allows you to package a modern Chrome webview along with Ionic application, so an application does not have to rely on native Android browser. The end results are much better performances and modern web API across all Android versions.

4) How do you persist data between application launches using Ionic framework?

As Ionic behind the scene builds HTML5 based applications, you can use localStorage and sessionStorage API to persist data on the mobile phone. However, since localStorage can only store strings, objects need to be stringified before saving. Also, it is important to mention localStorage has size limit around 5MB.

5) What is the advantage of caching the views in Ionic apps?

Ionic by default caches up to ten views, which improves performance and also maintains different states in the views at the same time. For example, the cache can maintain scroll position in the views or active state of buttons.

6) How can you test Ionic applications?

Ionic applications are built using AngularJS. Angular has a rich set of test libraries and frameworks such as Jasmine and Karma test runner. These frameworks can be used to write unit tests for Ionic applications. Also, ionic-CLI provides live reload feature so the application can be tested in the browser. For example, the ionic serve command can be used to load the application in any browser. Thus, we can use Chrome Developer Tools or Mozilla Firefox with Firebug to debug and inspect Ionic applications.

Case Studies & Success Stories

Dusan, I had to leave the workshop early so I didn't get a chance to say goodby or thank you and Rod for the terrific job you did. I am assuming that Leilani will get you a copy of the evaluations which were all really great to excellent. I just want to acknowledge both of you for the work you have done to be able to have that conversation with people in the way you do. I fully appreciate what it takes to get outside all your personal concerns and issues to be able to.


Name: Shani

Project: Zynah Orchids

Place: India

SRsnt compliment to her justice work. I know of this sensitivity because we also served together as hospice volunteers. Susan is always willing to listen to the perspectives of others and open to sharing her experiences with others to uplift and encourage. She is generous, always giving much more than is given to her.


Name: Shani

Project: Zynah Orchids

Place: India

The messenger is the message, and in this very good book, we find important messages that sadden, excite and affirm us as people who celebrate both our sexuality and our spirituality. Unitarian Universalists should feel very proud of having created a safe harbor for those discarded by others, and also challenged to work harder to make its culture more welcoming and inclusive.


Name: Shani

Project: Zynah Orchids

Place: India

These personal stories will persuade even the most cynical that religion can be a force that is fully accepting and transforming. Indeed, the fulfillment of religion’s true promise is found among those who have courageously spoken here.


Name: Shani

Project: Zynah Orchids

Place: India

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